
Showing posts from January, 2018

Vedic and 108

Importance of 108  Vedic astronomers loved the number 108. The reason that number 108 is so popular is because they stated that it occurs regularly in our universe. The Vedic scientists said that the distance of the Sun from the earth is 108x the Sun’s own size.  They also proclaimed that the distance of the Moon from the earth is 108x its own size.  The number of discs from sunrise to sunset is 339 (if you take the arc of the traverse of the sun as it goes from the east to the west across the sky and you put along there a disc of the sun, if you calculate the exact number of discs from sunrise to sunset it is 339. The Rig Veda has 1017 suktas (339x3). The Rig Veda has 216 groups (108x2). We do not know exactly why these numbers are exact or placed in such a way, however because they use these numbers we know to this day that even though it has been thousands of years we have every Sukta and every group in our possession and that none have been lost. S...


THE YUGA'S I saw on the internet under a heading called Suns a very exciting article written by German physicist declaring that in 1991 he wrote an e-mail and regular mail to all major German physics departments informing them that he had determined and discovered that the sun moves under the combined gravitational forces of Jupiter and Saturn. This was quite amusing to the reader since the Vedic people had written approximately 5000 years before that, not only that the sun revolves around another central point but also exactly how long it takes and the various other movements of the planets around the sun while the sun is revolving around its own pivot. The beginning of History is generally assumed to be around 3500 BC. At that time knowledge was promoted and spread through verbal means. There were very few choices in terms of instruments to put ideas and thoughts down on. Other than stone, wood, possibly bark, there were no computers or paper. But there are many ...

The Calendar

Vedic Calendar   We don't know how far back the Vedic calendar goes. However, we do know that the ancient Vedic people were very cognizant of ,and well versed in ,astronomy and had great knowledge of the planets, their orbits and, in fact, their exact distance from the earth, to say the least. At the very least, they also knew of the various solstices. Most of us know that  June 21 st  is the longest day in the year and that December 31st is the shortest day and longest night in the year. What we may not know that three months after  June 21st  and three months after  December 21 st  are two more solstices.  March 21st  was considered by the ancient Vedic people the beginning of the calendar year. To this day in India,  March 21st  is considered the first day of the year and various other countries and civilizations continue to consider  March 21 st  the first day of the year. In fact, the entire world used to consi...

Articles of General Interest

Hypnosis The year was 1970.  I was in my final year of Grant Medical College in Mumbai, India.  I was to appear for my final MBBS degree exam in December 1971.  In 1970, I dreamed of becoming a doctor and earning some money to get rid of this poverty that my elderly parents and I were living in.  I had among the best marks in my class, so I could have picked one of the coveted fields of medicine or surgery – any of the lucrative fields; certainly not psychiatry.  Yet, I chose to be a psychiatrist.  The reason for that was 2-fold – I read Sigmund Freud’s “Interpretation of Dreams” during an extremely hot 24-hour train ride and was absolutely fascinated by the capabilities of the mind, and the second reason was the Max Collie hypnosis show. Max Collie:  Max Collie was a hypnotist from Scotland who was visiting Mumbai and performing shows daily to rave reviews and packed audiences.  My four friends and I stood outside the h...