I saw on the internet under a heading called Suns a very exciting article written by German physicist declaring that in 1991 he wrote an e-mail and regular mail to all major German physics departments informing them that he had determined and discovered that the sun moves under the combined gravitational forces of Jupiter and Saturn. This was quite amusing to the reader since the Vedic people had written approximately 5000 years before that, not only that the sun revolves around another central point but also exactly how long it takes and the various other movements of the planets around the sun while the sun is revolving around its own pivot. The beginning of History is generally assumed to be around 3500 BC. At that time knowledge was promoted and spread through verbal means. There were very few choices in terms of instruments to put ideas and thoughts down on. Other than stone, wood, possibly bark, there were no computers or paper. But there are many examples of high cultures in the human race, pre-historically. As one example a scholar of Vedic sciences named Yukteshwar in 1993 did an analysis of the Vedic system of "Yuga's". He described that the Vedic people describe the ages of the Yuga's in two sets of four periods each with ratios 4:3:2:1 (4800:3600:2400:1200). This adds up to 24,000 years for each Yuga. Yukteshwar pointed out that these were actual years not divine years. The modern translations of the Vedas insert the word "divine" before the years because modern thinkers cannot imagine that the world or the universe has existed so far back. Yukteshwar insists that these are not divine years but actual years and were meant to show the precession of the equinox. Yukteshwar stated that very ancient Vedic scholars and astronomers conceived of planets revolving around the sun (which we now know is true) but that "the sun also has another motion by which it revolves around a grand center which they called Vishnu Nabhi (Vishnu is the God that they pray to and Nabhi means a belly-button or umbilicus). They considered that this grand center around which the sun revolved was the umbilicus of the universe or Vishnu. From this center of the universe, came the universal power or universal magnetism, from which we as humans get all of our energy and force. Therefore, Vishnu Nabhi or the Grand Center of the universe was also considered the seat of all the creative power of the universe and therefore it was called Prahma, the creator of the universe. So to re-cap, the Vedic scholars and astronomers said that there was a Grand Center of the Universe which they called Prahma or Vishnu Nabhi, and they said that the sun revolves around this grand center and that various other planets revolve around the sun. Therefore, as the sun is revolving around the
Grand Center and the earth is revolving around the sun there are times when the earth is closer to the Grand Center and times (Yuga's) that the earth is furthest away from the Grand Center. As a result, since the Grand Center or Prahma is the center of the creative powers or universal magnetism, people of the earth were either "empowered" or the opposite depending on how close the earth was the Grand Center. The Vedic people, confirmed by Yukteshwar, placed the "zero-point" at 11,500 BC. In other words, the zero-point was considered the time where the earth was closest to the Grand Center or the universal magnetism point. At that point since the earth was the closest to the Prahma the people of the earth were at the highest, most spiritually evolved time between the two 4800 year Yuga's or Krita Yuga's. This happened at 11,500 BC. Very interestingly from 11,500 BC the sun began to move away from the point of its orbit where it was nearest to Prahama and started to move towards the point where the sun would be the furthest from Prahama and therefore according to Yukteshwar and the Vedic scientists the intellectual power of man and spirituality, morality began to diminish. This may sound far fetched to us at this stage, however, many years ago this must have been the prevailing and pervading concept. The great pyramids and the sphinx and other monuments in the world also highlight the year 11,500 BC. All of these various monuments, including Stonehenge, Great Pyramids, Sphinx, Angkor wat and other major temples of the earth are thought to point to a point in the sky which is known as a "northern culmination" where the North Pole points to a specific point on the galactic center (this is known as the "nearest point Theory"). Giza shows megaliths that point to the same spot in the sky (where the northern culmination is) that are from age 10,909 BC (not 11, 500 BC). It is not know whether ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Yukteshwar miscalculated 10,909 to 11,500 because of the inaccurate astronomical equinox precession but this for modern astronomers to determine. However, it was known that Kali Yuga is the "least mentally evolved state of man" according to the Vedic people.   They said Kali Yuga began in 3102 BC which was the point of the end of Krishna Avatar. At the end of Kali Yuga began the earth started to go into the point where it is furthest away from the Grand Center of the Universe, furthest away from the universal magnetism of our Creator, Brahma, and therefore we entered into a period where we were least mentally evolved, least spiritual, least moral compared to previous ages in previous Yuga's.
Stencel in 1976 talked about Angkor wat which showed that this temple had exact astronomical alignments and also took into account the ancient Vedic Yuga system. It showed that Krita Yuga was the age of mind excellence and spiritual excellence. Angkor wat is in ? Cambodia. The theories of Stencel and others were further enhanced by Eleanor Mannikka and Subhash Kak in brilliantly written articles subsequently. Subhash Kak in fact shows that various measurements correspond to the Yuga ages with namely (1200:2400:3600:4800) the same as the ratios of the ages of the Yuga's.

The Yuga’s

Like many things in life, the discovery was purely accidental. Under the hot sun of the Egyptian desert, west of Aswan and near the Sahara, a team of archaeologists stopped for a short break. Absently kicking a stone that was sticking out of the ground, one of the team realised that it was in fact not a stone but the tip of a megalith that was sticking provocatively out of the ground, asking to be discovered. This led to the discovery of a complex of extremely ancient man-made megaliths the purpose of  which, until recently, could not be understood.  Dr Thomas G. Brophy, a world renowned astronomer, (“The Origin Map”) then began his quest for the meaning of these megaliths and why they were pointing to the sky, what did they want to tell us from thousands of years ago? Brophy systematically measured and calculated various aspects of the mega stones and came to what is today a truly staggering conclusion:” the makers of these megaliths knew aspects of the heavenly skies that we do not know even today. "The megalithic architecture at Nabta Playa is a unified and detailed astrophysical map of truly astonishing accuracy, with no less than staggering implication" 

Dr Brophy has deciphered this through a painstaking, fascinating and logical progression of thought. He has realised that the 'Ancients' - the people of thousands of years ago - the wise Seers and builders of these monuments, had knowledge of things some of which we do not have even today. As an Astronomer, using modern Planetary software which can accurately tell the position of various planets and stars at any time in the past, he was able to pinpoint which of the positions these megaliths were pointing to. 

Brophy then used the same process to determine whether other ancient stone monuments in other parts of the world also provided clues to what our forefathers wanted us to know. The technique was used in Stonehenge in Gr. Britain, Angkor Wat in Thailand, monuments and temples in India. He came to a startling discovery - they all point to the same place!! But what do they point to? What did our forefathers want us to know, and why??

They all point to the 'Center of the Galaxy', the Center of the Universe. Believe it or not, our Sun revolves around this Center of the Galaxy while our earth is revolving around the Sun. Most of us do not know that the Sun even moves, but it indeed does. The Ancients knew that and, in fact knew the speed at which the movements took place, and the time it took for each revolution of each planet.          

The ancient Vedic scriptures - the Vedas, and other ancient scriptures - praised the Galactic Center as the navel of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is considered the Creator of the Universe, and from Lord Vishnu's navel springs Lord Brahma who 'maintains' the Universe and this world. Although written for the common man to try to understand planetary importance  in mythological prose, these wise men knew the exact sequence and time of every move of the planets. various planets were personified as  Gods, as were Elements such as Fire, Earth, Wind, Rain etc. so that the common man could relate.  They also knew the exact speed of light ( see article by Subhash Kak in this Blog)   

The Vedas were known to have existed as early as 1500 BC and some researchers believe they were known many thousands of years earlier than that. The ancient scriptures mention various facts that are mind-numbing in their  accuracy, but presented in the most innocent of ways that may not be understood. Subhash Kak, another renowned scientist, scholar  of Sanskrit and brilliant author, has transformed a very simple phrase in one of these ancient writings from 1000's of years ago to show that it is actually the speed of light presented in a very subtle fashion. The statement is a hymn offering praise to the Sun and it says" oh , you who  traverse the skies at 2002 yojanas in half a nimesha" . For centuries, nobody knew what this meant. A 'nimesha' is a second of time, and a yojana is a measure of distance. Kak's brilliant paper shows us that they knew the exact speed of light. But how ?? They had none of the computers and sophisticated instruments that we have today. Yet they knew the exact location of the various planets. their diameters, distance from each other, and the exact amount of time they would take to achieve their revolutions and rotations. They calculated the time it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation ( a full day and night) as 23 hours...minutes ...seconds, whereas today we believe the time to be ...hours ... minutes .... seconds ! They also knew the exact number of days it took for the Earth to complete its revolution around the Sun . Todays estimate is .....days ...hours, and they calculated the time to be ....days....hours. 
Without the use of modern technology, how did they arrive at so many of the same conclusions as we have today, down to the exact second?

We are still trying to find out how they achieved many of the feats at that time, and cannot duplicate some of their accomplishments even today. They knew of the various planets, they knew the exact distance from the earth to the moon, the exact diameter of the earth, and its circumference, they knew the speed of light, and many other facts. 

The Vedas project that there are periodic cycles, Ages, or Yugas, which are caused by the position of the Earth's axis relative to the Sun, and the closer earth is the warmer it gets, and vice versa. The Vedas warn us of periods of Ice Age and global warming, caused every 11,500 years and a mega-Age every 105,000 years. Great natural catastrophes are described, starting with the Great Flood 11,000 years ago when Manu, the first Man, was warned by a horned fish to head for the Himalayan Mountains and build a large Boat for himself and all other species.  We are told that the Earth revolves at times on a circular axis and other times on an elliptical axis (!!) and this is what causes the change in the warmth on the surface of the Earth depending on its closeness to the Sun. It is truly amazing that they knew all this 4000 years ago, maybe even earlier. They also told us ( and here is the part that now brings us back to Brophy and the Egyptian megalith) that the Sun revolves around the Galactic Center!

What? The Sun moves? Most of us today do not know that the Sun moves around anything. We think it is stationery. The Ancients tell us in the Scriptures exactly how many years it takes for the Sun to traverse the center of the Galaxy and what we are experiencing on Earth while our planet is spinning not only on its own axis, but at the same time, keeping up its revolutions around the Sun. This led to their accurate calculations as to the position of the earth at any given time in relation to the 'Mother Planet'. 

Think of the various weather patterns we experience as we move away from the Sun and towards it, and the resultant changes in all living creatures on Earth. As the axis points away from the sun, whether it is at night or because it is Winter, we experience darkness, cold and Winter. The earth's axis pointing towards the Sun results in Summer, heat and light. More importantly, the presence of sunlight literally gives life to all living creatures. That's how important it is to know about our position in reference to the Sun. Humans, plants, animals - we all change dramatically in our very existence in the presence or absence of sunlight. Similarly, we know the effect that other planets have on us. The Moon's effect is well-known to most - it affects the tides of the Ocean, and women's menstrual cycles, and is thought to affect the mental stability and mood of many an individual. 

What if we were to now be told that the closeness to the Galactic Center ( Vishnu Nabhi) is very crucial to humans? The effect of the Galactic Center on humans is as crucial as the effect of sunlight on living organisms on this earth. This is what our wise ancestors bequeathed us, and why all the megaliths point to where we should know our mother planet is.

Keep your mind open now - we use instruments to advise us from moment to moment where we are in relation to the axis of the Earth around itself by using clocks which tell us what time of day or night it is. We use other instruments to tell us the phases of the Moon  to tell us about high tide and low tide; We use another instrument - a calendar - to tell us how far we have progressed as we move around our Annual circle around the Sun.  But we know nothing  about where we are in relation to the Galactic Center as if this is not important. The Ancient wise men had many clocks, calendars and charts but they devoted their most effort into building these huge megaliths and monuments to tell us our exact position in relation to Vishnu-Nabhi. Why? 

Dr Thomas G. Brophy confirms that the Vedas teach us that there are 'cycles' that the earth goes through depending on our proximity to the mother planet. Each cycle in the Vedas is called a 'Yuga' or Age. Satya-Yuga ( Age of Truth ) is when the Earth is closest to the energy-giving center.This age lasts for 1,728,000 years. During this time, humans have long lives, and their conduct is pure, spiritual, honest and truthful.Their superior abilities to comprehend, grasp, remember and deduce logically and philosophically are incomprehensible to us today.For example, it is said that a person would remember and memorise the entire Vedas after only one recitation- hence the Vedas were transmitted orally through the generations for years until the end of Satya Yuga. They also had great mystical and physical powers.Humans in Kali Yuga have 75% less mental, physical and spiritual prowess than their forefathers who lived in Satya Yuga, it is said.    

When the Sun and the Earth moved a little further along the axis, all these abilities decreased, it was said, by 25%. That next age, that of Treta Yuga, lasts 1,296,000 years. The next Age is Dwapara Yuga which lasts 864,000 years, and finally Kali Yuga which lasts 432,000 years. We are presently in Kali Yuga for the past 5000 years. Kali Yuga started, it is said, in 3102 BC at which time all the planets were in a straight line! The Vedas say that the MahaBharata War took place and Krishna ( Lord Vishnu's Avatar who came to earth to prepare humans for the coming age of Kali) both were at the time of transition into Kali Yuga.

The wise men from that era said that their abilities stemmed from the closeness of the earth to the Galactic Center at that time, which allowed them to benefit from the strong influences directly from the ‘mother planet’. Whether one believes that or not, how does one explain their many feats, accomplishments and knowledge? How did they derive the speed of light, the diameter of the various planets, their distance from each other and the time for each  rotation and revolution - without supercomputers ? They said they meditated upon these questions and then calculated mentally. They said the answers to these questions, as well as answers to questions regarding spirituality, where Mankind and the Universe originated, what is our purpose in life, etc - was 'given' to them from the Heavens above, especially when the earth is close to the galactic center. This seems implausible and impossible to say the least, and not something we would expect from such brilliant scientists of yore. Yet, when one examines the abilities of certain individuals in our own recent past who are able to predict the future, and can tell us about things that are unknown to the rest of us, one wonders about the interaction of the human mind and the outside world. To give only one example out of many, Edgar Cayce's ability to predict the future, know the winners of horse races and winning lottery numbers is well-known and earned him the attention of US Presidents. So much so that the U.S. Government, at Taxpayers expense, mandated that a secretary/transcriptionist remain with Mr Cayce at all times and transcribe everything she heard. The resulting volumes of books are available in the Edgar Cayce museum in Virginia. Among other unbelievable accomplishments of this person with a 5th grade education were that he was able to accurately  tell the US Government the exact longitude , latitude and depth to drill for oil in an area where the US Govt had given up. When asked where he got these answers, Edgar Cayce ( who only spoke english ) said that the information is there for anybody to obtain - they just had to get it from the 'Akasha' ( Edgar did not know that the Sanskrit meaning of Akasha is 'sky' or ‘ether’) Where in the Akasha is this information and can truly anybody get it? Nostradamus, Ramanamurthy - the famous mathematician, many so-called idiot savants,wise men, sages and rishis are able to come up with astounding facts, future predictions and mathematical calculations that even today's supercomputers have not been able to duplicate. Is it that implausible and impossible that many thousands of years ago, mankind was able to mentally, physically and spiritually accomplish things we cannot even imagine today? 

Is it surprising then that every megalith in the world points to the Center of the Galaxy? Every day there is a period of time when we are in direct line of the sun and there is also a time when we are in direct line with the Center of the Galaxy. That time is said to be the time when our creative abilities, our artistic talents, our minds and our intellects are at their best. The Ancients used that time to make important decisions. 



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